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Goodrich C. White Lecture

March 17, 2023 - 12:15 EDT

Click here or button above to enter the lecture via Zoom Webinar. This virtual event is available only to current Emory students, faculty, and staff, and requires authentication with Emory email address.  Live only.

The only person drafted into the National Football League to have flown in space, Leland Melvin is an engineer, educator, former NASA astronaut and NFL wide receiver. He served on board the Space Shuttle Atlantis as a mission specialist in 2009, helping to construct the International Space Station. After 24 years with NASA, Melvin shares his life story to help inspire the next generation to pursue STEAM careers.  Endowed by the DVS Senior Society, the Goodrich C. White Lecture was established in memory of Emory's 14th president, a 1908 graduate of Emory College and later dean of the College and vice president of the University. White served as president from 1942 until retiring in 1957.

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